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After having spent the whole year taking care of ourselves, when the holidays arrive we are afraid of neglecting our diet and losing all our progress. But, there are ways to enjoy our vacations, treat ourselves and maintain a healthy diet that will help us stay in shape.


During the holidays we usually have many meals with friends or family and it is important that we enjoy them. It will be important to choose the healthiest options we can, but we can always treat ourselves to something, for example, with dessert. It's okay if you eat your favorite dessert one day (or two): you won't gain all the weight you lost or throw away all the effort you've made. The important thing is that it is something specific and that it is not something that is repeated continuously.


– Eat in restaurants, but avoid fast food. If we choose to eat at fast food restaurants, the healthy options are much smaller and the indulgences we can indulge in will be much higher in calories than those we indulge in at another type of restaurant.

- Move on. Stay moving as much as you can. Go for a walk, discover the cities with a bicycle, use the car as little as possible. This will help you compensate for any excesses you may make with your diet.

– Be cautious. If you are going to spend the day outside, you can carry nuts or a piece of fruit in your bag. That will help you snack on less healthy things.

– Prepare your own food. If you are not in a hotel and you are staying somewhere with a kitchen, a good option is to prepare your own food or take advantage of the situation to cook for your family or friends. So, even if you eat more than normal, they will always be healthier options than those in a restaurant.

– Enjoy meals, but control the portions. You can order that pasta dish that you love, but try to opt for small portions or, if you can't choose, share a dish with someone. This way you can enjoy, but in a controlled way.

– Compensates. If, for example, at noon we had a big meal, we can try to have lighter dinners to compensate for those excesses and also help us purify our body. These are some examples of recipes:

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetables and pine nuts
Lettuce tacos stuffed with vegetables and chicken
Cold vegetable creams
Oven roasted vegetables with salmon

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