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To find out, the main thing is to go to your beauty center and have a professional diagnose you and explain if you have enlarged pores, blackheads, shine and a greasy appearance, since these are some of the signs that your skin shows. fats.

There are various causes and factors that can cause excess sebum on the face: hormonal imbalance, genetic inheritance, age, climate, diet and lifestyle, among others.

The ideal thing to put an end to this type of problem is to follow a specific treatment.

But it's not all disadvantages, since oily skin stays young longer, retains elasticity and resists wrinkles compared to normal skin, and is more resistant to the damaging effects of the sun.

When buying creams for this type of skin, it is essential that they do not add more oil. An inappropriate product can be very harmful since, in addition to immediately worsening the oily appearance, it clogs the outlet channels of the sebaceous glands and worsens the problem.

1. Moisturizing cream

Oily skin also needs hydration, so it is necessary to choose the moisturizing product appropriately to avoid adding more oil-free fat or creams with silicone excipients. Another alternative is serums (specifically silicone ones) or ampoules.

Oily skin does not need constant hydration. Simply apply moisturizing cream at night, which is when the skin regenerates best.

Before makeup, it is best to use an oil-regulating serum

2.- Cleaning

We have to remove makeup and cleanse our skin at night, and clean it thoroughly again in the morning to remove the excess sebum that is produced during the night. This is the most important step for people who have oily skin.

When choosing makeup remover, “the use of biphasic ones is prohibited because they leave a greasy texture. Micellar waters and antiseptic soaps, especially for acne-prone skin, are good options.

Here we leave you some homemade recipes to help combat oily skin

Drink the juice of two oranges every day on an empty stomach. In two weeks you will notice your skin with less oil. In addition, orange juice contains antioxidants and nutrients that benefit the health of the skin in general.

Astringents are excellent for treating oily skin. Beat an egg white until stiff and add a few drops of lemon. Apply it to your face and let it dry. Rinse with plenty of cold water. You can repeat it about twice a week. Don't forget to apply moisturizer.

Lemon is another natural astringent that can help control oil production. In a cup put the juice of two lemons and a little honey. Apply the mixture at night on the area where you have oily skin problems, let it act for 15 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.

A tomato toner is an easy and effective solution to treat oily skin. Tomato is naturally acidic so it helps balance the skin's pH and get rid of excess oil. Peel the tomato and remove the seeds. Grind it and add 30 g of glycerin. Apply it to your skin the same day.

Apply aloe vera gel to your face to absorb excess oil and clean pores. Do it two or three times a day, especially after washing your face. Then let it dry. For a more refreshing effect, place the gel in the refrigerator.

Cornstarch is an ideal natural remedy to eliminate excess oil on the face. Mix between one and three tablespoons of cornstarch with enough warm water to form a paste. Apply by rubbing the face and let it dry. Then rinse with warm water. You can do it once a day!

Citrus fruits and some vegetables are ideal for refreshing the face and reducing oils. Mix lemon juice and water (in equal quantities), apply to your face and let it dry. Rinse first with warm water and then with cold water for a more refreshing sensation. You can also mix ½ tablespoon of lime juice with the same amount of cucumber juice to apply a few minutes before bathing.

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