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Mon Fri: 9 - 20 | Sat: 10 - 14

60 minutes

It increases tissue temperature and cellular activity, enhancing collagen and elastin synthesis and improving blood flow. The tissue is stimulated and oxygenated from the inside, thanks to the new Proionic® System.


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It increases tissue temperature and cellular activity, enhancing collagen and elastin synthesis and improving blood flow. The tissue is stimulated and oxygenated from the inside, thanks to the new Proionic® System.

How does it work?

Proionic® System stimulates rejuvenation and revitalization of the skin, creating a tightening effect, while improving tissue oxygenation and hydrating the skin.
With this technology, different biological processes are stimulated at the cellular level thanks to the specific frequency of 448 kHz and two application modes: Capacitive and Resistive.

BIOSTIMULATION: Activation of cellular proliferation, repair and restoration mechanisms.
VASCULARIZATION: Increase in local blood flow and improvement in tissue oxygenation and nutrition.
HYPERACTIVATION: Stimulation of metabolic processes and cellular activity.

It also incorporates a new patent, Cell Boost Technology, which optimizes the effects of the method, intensifying and enhancing the treatment results. The difference? Greater tissue firming effect and maximum effectiveness, without increasing temperature, allowing you to work on more sensitive areas.

  • Pleasant, safe and personalized treatments
  • Visible results from the first sessions
  • Unique methodology
  • Maximum precision

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60 minutes

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